. . . and so it began


You may have seen me in your local thrift store, hehe

My name is Aleah, i love everything that has to do with style and design! The youngest of three sisters I was often left with the hand me downs, long lectures, recycled advice and a way to “make it work”. I wouldn’t trade the struggle for anything… in fact the struggle is what really got me to tap into my creativity and take my lemons and make my lemonade. As a young girl that started in private school, having three outfits to choose from was getting old….. but i didn’t even know what was out there! When i transferred to public school i remember when my mom took us shopping LOL i was lost, man my taste was all over the place (still is). You’d catch me in boy shorts with high socks and the most colorful top i could find in the mall. It wasn’t until junior highschool….. JUNIOR HIGHSCHOOL that my friend had me try on a pair of her fitted jeans, not only did this open my eyes even more to clothing choice, i realized my booty lololol. Anyways, by the time i got close to high school i asked my mom to take me to the thrift store, now obviously i’ve been in a thrift store before that, but by choice? that was the first time…… and there is where is started. Now when i was starting high school, thrifting was not popular at all…. actually a lot of my friends were very confused and always questioned what i wore at-least half the time but i was super happy and confident in my findings and it just kept growing from there. Now today, I am blessed to be able to take my joy and implement it in others lives. I might’ve let my grandpa down with the dream of being a lawyer, and i may not save lives in the hospital but i will save your closet! I will save your confidence that was failing, your clothes that weren’t representing you correctly… i will take what you love and bring the best out of it. I don’t want you to just look good, but feel good. When you look right you feel right, when you feel right you should look right. I am not the stylist that will have a theme or a permanent color palette. I am forever changing, forever reinventing myself and recreating myself, forever improving… and my goal is to give you the same mindset and apply it not only in your closet but in your life. Never stop recreating yourself, grow.


Motivation comes from within

— and I’m here to help you activate it.