Closet Service


Closet Cleanup.

Once we decide on the date, i come to your home and clean your closet. First we will go through each item and make piles, the piles will consist of keep, donate, and sell. Keep: will be hung or organized properly into the closet. Donate: will go straight to the nearest donation center. Sell: We will sell the items that you don’t need and you keep all the money that was made.

Closet Makeover.

First we do the closet cleanup. Then with all the keep clothes i will go over ways to put certain looks together with the items you already have in your closet. Having clothes is not the problem for many people…. it’s creating looks and minimizing the stress each morning to start your day. In this closet makeover we will not only clean up your closet, but i will leave you with everything organized and in its place, you will be left with ideas on what to wear and when, easy go to looks on the days you feel more blah. I will also create a sheet of “needs” that you should consider getting to complete your closet.

Closet TakeOver.

Closet clean up + Closet makeover + Closet Takeover.

After all the work is done, now i take over. We create a pinterest board with how you want to feel, look and be represented. We go over: colors, textures, comfort and different genres of clothing to get the best vision for you! We create a budget that’s financially comfortable, and I start your personal shopping. Each individuals shopping is done differently as no two people are the same, it can take as little as 1-4 months for all your shopping to be done….. but nonetheless pieces will be added one by one to create the perfect closet to reflect who you are and where you are going!